The problem with polling America's young voters

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"by": "cebert",
"descendants": 0,
"id": 40246376,
"score": 2,
"time": 1714735141,
"title": "The problem with polling America's young voters",
"type": "story",
"url": ""
"author": null,
"date": "2024-05-03T04:00:19.399Z",
"description": "Difficulty in reaching the under-30s for surveys means not all data points are created equal — and can mislead",
"image": "",
"logo": "",
"publisher": "Financial Times",
"title": "The problem with polling America’s young voters",
"url": ""
"url": "",
"title": "The problem with polling America’s young voters",
"description": "Accessibility helpSkip to navigationSkip to contentSkip to footerSubscribe to unlock this articleJoin FT EditOnly $4.99 per monthAccess to eight fresh articles a day, hand-picked by senior editors. Selected...",
"links": [
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"content": "<div><p><a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">Accessibility help</a><a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">Skip to navigation</a><a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">Skip to content</a><a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">Skip to footer</a></p><div><div><div><p><span></span><span></span><span></span><span>Subscribe to unlock this article</span><span></span></p></div><div><p></p><h2><span>Join FT Edit</span></h2><h2><strong><span>Only </span><span>$4.99</span><span> per month</span></strong></h2><p></p><p><span>Access to eight fresh articles a day, hand-picked by senior editors.\nSelected to feed your curiosity.</span></p></div></div><div><p></p><h2>Explore more offers.</h2><p></p><div><div><div><p><img src=\";format=svg\" /></p><p></p><h3>Standard Digital</h3><p></p></div><p><span>was </span><span>$540</span><span> </span><span>now </span><span>$319</span><span> per year</span></p><p><span>Save now on essential digital access to quality FT journalism on any device.</span></p></div><div><div><p><img src=\";format=svg\" /></p></div><p><span>$75</span><span> per month</span></p><p><span>Complete digital access to quality FT journalism with expert analysis from industry leaders. Pay a year upfront and save 20%.</span></p></div><div><div><p><img src=\";format=svg\" /></p></div><p><span>$99</span><span> for your first year</span></p><p><span>FT newspaper delivered Monday-Saturday, plus FT Digital Edition delivered to your device Monday-Saturday.</span></p></div></div></div><div><h2>Explore our full range of subscriptions.</h2><div><div><p>Discover all the plans currently available in your country</p></div><div><p>Digital access for organisations. Includes exclusive features and content.</p></div></div></div><div><div><h2>Why the FT?</h2><p>See why over a million readers pay to read the Financial Times.</p></div><p><a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">Find out why</a></p></div></div></div>",
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"published": "2024-05-03t04:00:19.399z",
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"type": "newsarticle"