
Enable JSX for Template Literal Tags based projects


Streaming TFTP client and server


![Jest Speed](./assets/jest.png) # What and Why? In 1969, we landed people on the moon with just 64KB of memory and a 43KHz CPU, yet in 2024, I can't run a simple Jest suite without maxing out my RAM and CPU, and waiting forever for it to finish.


Fetch strategies data from the blockchain, and parse it into a readable format. Use one of the following classes to fetch data for strategies: EthereumStrategies, OptimismStrategies, ArbitrumStrategies or BaseStrategies. Use one of the following classes t


js client for mason


Slapdash is a lightweight utility JavaScript utility belt, inspired heavily by lodash


A modern and beautiful Next.js UI components library.


Looking to grow your business or monetize your traffic? 💰 Whether you're an advertiser seeking effective campaigns or a publisher looking to maximize revenue, we’ve got you covered.


Utility for converting volume control scales to amplitudes


Enables transparent HTTP batch requests with Angular


A simple rate-limit middleware for Medusa


The PostCSS plugin to increase(boost) CSS selectors specificity


capo.js implementation for Nuxt 3


React Beautiful - Boost up your React components


A loopback-next configuration loading utility


components and hooks to ease the monday frontend development


Moon basic package


THREE.js Buffer Animation System


React Native Paper renderers for Json Forms.


Editor for Json Forms.


Nearly native image scaling in web (mobile/desktop), rich in functionality. This will make your mobile users happy


boost brand marketing website cms


(Fork of next-boost) - Add a cache layer for next.js SSR pages. Use stale-while-revalidate to boost the performance.


Express Cache Middleware: Effortlessly cache responses with custom timeouts, dependencies, and enhanced performance


node.js bindings for the Apache Thrift RPC system


AntDesign Table Boost Version,Efficent,Easyable,Combinable


Parquet is a columnar storage format


\ Easily boost the performance of your Angular applications by memoizing functions and getters with this lightweight and simple-to-use library.


Set of components, directives and services to boost the app development with angular material 2


Boost Up The Js Understanding ☠️


Made with create-react-library


High-performance native shared object store for Node.js worker threads


<div align="center"> <img width="150" alt="saleor-cli" src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/200613/221163557-797cf981-3c65-4a0b-afd3-304b6d7ac537.png"> </div>


Solarized command line theme for Boost powered CLIs.


The iconic and open source font made for EOS Design System.


Cache middleware for koa


> Boost Proof of Work Protocol > https://boostpow.com


Static site generator with page-speed optimisations


ContentSquare tag SDK


# Bhiti (alpha version) Its a framework for nodejs server, Its really tedious to write same code over and over again. it helps to break the functionalities into small reusable modules, the main focus of this library is to make code more reusable and con